Supporters’ groups from across the Premier League are calling on their
clubs to “Stop Exploiting Loyalty” with a wave of protests planned over
the next two weekends across stadiums.
Fan groups from a wide range of top-flight clubs will meet ahead of
games in the next fortnight to show their support for the growing Stop Exploiting Loyalty campaign led by the Football Supporters’Association (FSA).
Liverpool supporters demonstrated outside the Emirates at the Arsenal vs Liverpool match on Sunday, with Arsenal supporters joining them in solidarity with fans of all clubs that are exploiting their loyal supporters.
For the full FSA Press Release.cick here.

AISA’s position
AISA supports the action taken by fans across the country. However, we are not planning to demonstrate inside or outside the club. Our position, that we believe is shared by all the supporters’ group represented on the Arsenal Advisory Board, is that we have already made progress with the Arsenal Board regarding concessions for young people and in retaining the Family Area for junior and senior supporters, and are still in discussions with them over these issues.
To read our club’s statement click here