You’ll probably have read in the press, in emails or on the AISA Twitter (formerly known as Threads or Z or something) that the club is moving the women’s games to the Emirates for eleven games next season. Domestic cup games will remain at Borehamwood but otherwise, it’s mostly N5 from the autumn (assuming games can be sotted in around the men’s fixtures and demands of TV). They’ve concocted a number of membership packages, including the ability to get to away games (eat your heart out, men’s supporters) but it looks so mind-blowingly complicated (to us) hat it’s probably best to direct you to the club’s webpage for you to evaluate what’s on offer and what’s best for you. For this writer, just wanting to renew my season ticket is all I want to read about!! (They’ll announce details for that after the final game.)

One thing that might affect supporters is that the standard Emirates Ticket Exchnange and Transfer will be available. That may mean an end to the frantic selling and exchanging amongst women supporters that goes on at present. We’ll be checking those and other details with out AISA member of the club’s Women’s Supporters’ Forum.

What do we think about the change? We were always uncomfortable with Meadow Park being the home of a senior Arsenal team, so we welcome it. But there was always something special bout the intimacy of the smaller ground. I think some of us will miss that. But it’ll bring the team the support it deserves and allow many more supporters to see their team. So it’s all good.

See also this blog from 2019 or this one from 2023 – or this one!! There have been quite a few!

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