The club has acknowledged the difficulties supporters are facing entering the stadium and is asking us to feedback reactions.

We have already made representations about the security searches and bag sizes (see earlier post) and we fed back your comments after the cup tie with Wimbledon. Many of you found the system much-improved but some were still unhappy about congestion and delays. The club has come back to us to say they realised the amount of congestion was far from perfect. The causes were

  • the very arrivals – expected on an evening game but there were apparently still supporters arriving after 8pm. They again urge people to try and arrive as early as possible.
  • there were also a lot of first-time attendees who weren’t aware of where they needed to be and we had a lot of people trying to come in through the wrong turnstile or use several print at home tickets on one mobile device.

We also raised stewarding issues raised with us by you.

So what are they doing about it all?

They have also added additional people for the Spurs match to help with directing the queues and helping people find their way around the stadium. And they are revising the briefing stewards receive ahead of matches.

What can you do?

Please let us know how it is for you. We continue to feedback all your comments and they are being very responsive and trying to improve things, while managing the recommendations they are following on security issues.

Please contact us on this site or [email protected]. We’ll keep posting updates here.

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