Archive of News and Views posts

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Denton ‘The Bear’ Connell

A member has written to us: ‘I’m a producer at HOPE not hate, the anti-fascist group. I’m looking to tell the story of Denton Connell, ‘The Bear’, particularly how he…

The Arsenal clock and the Clock End

From Tony Attwood whose history page is 10 September 1930: The Daily Mirror published its picture of the clock with a 45 minute face was installed at the Laundry…

Greeting the players

Courtesy of the club, AISA was able to invite members to greet the players as they stepped off the coaches before the Juventus friendly. Spaces were limited but we’re pleased…

At last! Government launches Football Governance Bill

The FSA (Football Supporters’ Association reports. On Tuesday the Government – at last! – launched legislation in Parliament to introduce an Independent Football Regulator into our game. At that point it…