Archive of News and Views posts


Geoff Bedingfield

It’s with shock and immense sadness we have learnt of the death of Geoff Bedingfield. A founder member of AISA in 2000, he has been its only Treasurer, and in…
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Q&A with David Dein

We’re pleased to announce an event on Zoom with David Dein. It’ll be on Zoom, so wherever you are in the Arsenal world, you can hear about George Graham, Arsene…

When Perry met Frank

On the 21st of April, ‘An Evening with Frank Stapleton’ was held at Wyllyotts Theatre, Potters Bar. AISA’s Karen Pond was there. In an interview with Perry Groves, Arsenal legend,…
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Vinai Venkatesham’s message to supporters

At the recent Fans’ Forum, Arsenal Chief Executive, Vinai Venkatesham, gave a report on the last few months. Here it is in full. (For the other Forum items, AISA members…


The foodbank is back on Sunday, collecting items before the match from 2pm. It’s located down the steps from the Ken Friar statue, opposite the mural of the old stadium…