Today of all days

Arsenal’s history one day at a time

This series takes a look at what was happening to Arsenal and in the world around them on this day at one point in Arsenal’s past.

Never mind the quality: just watch Arsenal win

2 February 1993: Leeds United 2 Arsenal 3 in the Cup fourth round. Sorry about the poor quality of the video, but it was in the last century.

An astounding goal from Theirry Henry

Arsenal v Manchester City 1 February 2004

31 January 2007: beating Tottenham away

Arsenal beating Huddersfield in the Cup on this day: the video

29 January 2012: Arsenal get 3 against Villa: the video

Arsenal knock in five away to Southampton: the video

27 January: 5 players score as Arsenal thrash Bournemouth

26 January: knocking three past Brighton on this day