Steven Powell was a founder member of AISA, former commitee member and dedicated Arsenal supporter. He will be sorely missed by us all.
As of Monday afternoon August 28th, there have been over 450,000 X (Twitter) tributes and messages of condolence, a recognition of how highly thought Steven was, as an influence in football and as a person. We were at AISA were lucky to have known him and worked with him, and we will continue, with all our friends in the football community, to carry on the work that he started.

Tribute from Malcolm Clarke
Football Supporters’ Association (Chair)
Steve worked for the FSF, as was, as Development Officer. He was also on the Board of Supporters Direct and its Vice-Chair for a number of years, and was heavily involved with the Arsenal Supporters Trust and other football organisations. He was also a keen supporter of Wales. He had friends and contacts all over the world, particularly in South America, and loved watching football in different countries and cultures. He was very knowledgeable about football world-wide and also other sports as well. To take just one small example I remember him educating us about what we could learn from the regulation of Australian Rugby league.
He was of course a regular attendee at conferences and used to make the self-deprecating comment that no conference was complete, “until the fat gooner has ranted”! He was a very effective orator, and an experienced negotiator, having been a full-time trade union official in his younger days.
I particularly remember his great contribution to the “Accord” between the Wimbledon supporters and MKD FC, which resulted in the return of all the historical records of Wimbledon FC to Merton, including the replica FA Cup, in return for lifting of boycotts. Steve and I spent a day shuttling between the parties, when his skills as both a drafter of documents of agreements and a mediator were used to great effect.
RIP Steve.

The photo shows outside Highbury the day after AISA achieved its founding objective, when Islington Council gave planning permission to Arsenal FC for the Emirates Stadium.
Steve (far left), Alysen Miller, Paul Matz and Julian Harris.
A few of the many tributes to Steve
Clearly Steve had the best for supporters at the heart of what he did. A big miss for all supporters.
Condolences to all who knew and loved him. RIP Steve (West Ham United Supporters’ Trust)
Steve was involved in so many aspects of supporter representation and policy development and as has been mentioned had some apt turns of phrase and will be very much missed. Hopefully this news is being shared more widely – Steve was part of the former Southern Division which also involved representatives from EFL and National League clubs, who I am sure would wish to be aware.
Condolences to all Steve’s family and friends and may he rest in peace. (Crystal Palace Supporters’ Trust)
A lovely man. So sad to hear this news. What a man Steve Powell was. A proper campaigner – principled and stupendously knowledgeable.
I am trying to pin down when we first crossed paths but I suspect it was during Murdoch’s attempt to take over Manchester United in 1998.
Many knew him better than me but I don’t think they could have admired him more.
Raising a glass to Steve tonight.
Rest in Power Steve Powell xxx (Manchester United Supporters’ Trust)
Stephen was a member of ADSA attending our AGMs and I saw him at most home and away games. His love for Arsenal was clear to see.
Rest in peace Stephen (Arsenal Disabled Supporters’ Association)
Steve was a great man, he was actually member number 0001 – ie one of the founders of the Arsenal Supporters Trust and helped get it off the ground in 2003.
More recently he supported from the sidelines but did attend #AST20 (our 20th anniversary celebration) a few weeks ago and was in the front row.
In fact he thanked many of us for our work and was complimentary of my little one who also attended the night.
He genuinely cared and tried his best to be helpful.
He will certainly be missed.
From everyone at the Arsenal Supporters Trust, we thank him, for his dedicated service and will always be grateful for the work he has done with the AST and football generally. (Arsenal Supporters’ Trust)
I’m sure we all know people like him at our own clubs and throughout all levels of football. Selfless people who will always go above and beyond, just because of the love they have for their club and for the game as a whole.
Deepest condolences from myself and on behalf of the Everton Fan Advisory Board to all who knew him.
Such sad news.
Please accept and pass on the condolences of the Fulham family. (Fulham Supporters’ Trust)
Such sad news.
Thoughts with all who knew Steve and who worked with him over the years, huge condolences to our friends at Arsenal. Hearing some great stories about him.
RIP Steve. (Premier League Network Manager at the Football Supporters’ Association)
It’s so sad to hear this news today of someone who did so much on behalf of football supporters.
Rest in Peace Steve. (Burnley)
I would like to add our condolences from all at Brentford and BIAS. My only interaction with Steve was very briefly in the form of an introduction at an FSA AGM in the past but just in that brief moment I could see how his passion shone through. (Brentford Independent Association of Supporters)
Without Steven Powell there wouldn’t have been an Arsenal Independent Supporters’ Association and without AISA, Arsenal would have found it much more difficult to obtain planning permission for the site that became The Emirates Stadium. It’s sometimes forgotten what a vigorous campaign against the new stadium took place by the local Green Party and what AISA described as ‘nimbys’ (not in my back yard). Many local councillors were wavering at the time so who knows what might have happened …… (Paul Matz, Founder AISA)
Steve and I served on the AISA Committee for several years with Steven Powell and can affirm his passionate support for Arsenal and its Fans. His support and opinions though were always backed up by his extensive knowledge of the wider world football and detailed knowledge of Arsenal football club, both dizzying at times.
We also appreciated his humour when discussions warranted it; clearly born of hours spent in committee rooms and union and similar debates. (Steve and Jen Mann, AISA)
Dave Boyle’s tribute (Dave Boyle is a former chief executive of Supporters Direct, the UK body that supported sports fans to become involved in the ownership and governance of their clubs)

From Championship, League 1 and 2 Networks
RIP Steve
When Pompey Independent Supporters Association were trying to drum up support to form a Supporters Trust, we invited Steve to a public meeting in Portsmouth and he spoke very well on the benefits of having a Pompey Supporters Trust.
This particular public meeting saw a vote taken with unanimous backing which of course eventually led to PFC becoming the largest Fans Owned Club in the Country for a good number of years.
A very decent chap who not only supported his beloved Arsenal but was more than happy to help others in safeguarding their Football Clubs.
God bless him.
Pompey Independent Supporters Association
Sad – I remember Steve vividly at various supporter events,
Sad news. He was really supportive of us at AFCW in many ways, including attending matches.
Obviously, I knew Steve via SD for the time I was there, and his pleas for fan unity at the end of the first few SD conferences I helped oversee were quite the thing, until as I recall the format changed and they were put paid to…
I smiled to myself when at last year’s FSA version at Plough Lane, he was still doing it there. Lovely bloke, will be missed.
Dons Trust Board
RIP Steve. I remember him through the years on the FSA & SD lists for his interesting and constructive contributions.
No doubt he will be watching Arteta’s entertaining team now from up in the skies.
Sad news, watching the game he loved from another word rest in peace Steve.
Wafc Travel & Supporters club
Very sad news to hear about Steve. He was a great advocate for ordinary people. A great person all round. Rest in peace Steve.
Bradford City Supporters Trust
(Our thanks to the Championship, League 1 and 2 Networks)

Farewell Big Steve. A man with a big ❤ heart.
We’ll said Chris x
Absolutely, Chris. He was remarkable. I’m proud to have called him my friend for 45 years. Some of the greatest moments (and the worst) of my following the Arsenal were spent with him. I went to all sorts of places and met all sorts of people that I wouldn’t have without him. I miss you already, mate. Joe Mulcahy
Steve Powell A great man with a heart of gold
“Mr Arsenal” to me.
The Boys and I would never have travelled to so many places in Europe without you Steven, during those headyWenger Champions League years. You knew everyone in this often Tribal, football land of ours including “hands across the sea” with foreign supporters.
“Don’t cry for me Argentina 🇦🇷” The place you loved thought a proud Welshman. RIP. Love Tony Ward
From Barcelona to Bern, Cardiff to Kiyiv and Man U to Madrid…
From Paris to Porto, Schalke to Seville and Tottenham to Turin…
Steve was known, loved and respected wherever he went. A legend among Arsenal fans and rival fans alike. I will always remember our away days in particular but his passion for sports was not even limited to football – Steve loved and followed many other sports too.
RIP Big Steve. You will be missed by all whose lives you touched.
A genuinely lovely guy, I met him in Provence with his sadly passed friend John Marsh.
His knowledge of sport around the world was fantastic and I’m so glad he got to enjoy his fairly recent travels around the world.
His friendship and compassion to John’s widow will always be remembered.
RIP Steve.
Had many fun times at Creighton with this guy .Absoulute soft machine fan .great nights at the rainbow and pubs in East Finchley and Muswell Hill . Russ findlay
I have just learnt of Steven’s sad passing. He worked tirelessly as an activist and humanitarian on solidarity with social prejects in South America in the 80s and 90s particularly in solidarity with Chile and their struggle to free themselves from an oppressive dictatorship. He helped organize one the biggest fundraiser event for Chile in the UK at the Hackney Empire in east london, raising money to help fund those projects. A dynamic activist with a very clear objective, an amazing trade unionist and organiser, a committed socialist, a proud Arsenal fan. On behalf of the exiled chileans we thank you !! Rest in Power Steve !!
So sad to hear of Steve’s passing.. Memories of roadtrip to Juventus in 1980 with brother Joe and John Hannon. Steve driving and ‘seconds out’ Genesis on replay.. Rest in peace big man. Maurice
Steve was a kind, warm, gentle soul who I was fortunate enough to call a friend.
I was lucky to have spent numerous European away days & several Cup finals in his company.
Well educated & extensively travelled, he would regale us with tales from around the world.
Needless to say, he was never short of a “wonderful story”.
A true gent / legend who will be sadly missed.
R.I.P. Steve, one of life’s good ‘uns.
Rip Steve.
Great memories of our many trips together, especially Kiev and Valencia.
Will never forget you mate.
I first met Steven in a small club in Cardiff, when he held a meeting to try to get us Wales fans to organise ourselves under the FSF banner….needless to say there was much opposition, as the FSF were seen as an “English” organisation, but, slowly but surely, we got it going – with Steven’s continuing help- and in time I passed the organiser’s role on to Vince and Corky- Cardiff supporters- who have fully integrated FSA Cymru into the Wales away trips. Would it have happened without Steven? I dont think so! Diolch Steven!
an absolute gentle giant of a man and always an interesting person to speak and listen to. You made your mark big man and in a positive way. RIP and hope you can still watch from whereever you are.
I am from Uruguay and was a pen pal of Steven’s during the 1980’s. I first met him in 1985, when he visited Montevideo, and then he returned to Uruguay in 1987. He seemed eager to learn about the country, its political situation, its labour unions, etc. And of course, Steven loved football, so we went to see several soccer games at the Estadio Centenario in Montevideo. Although for some reason we lost contact in the early 1990’s, I was saddened to learn about his passing. I am sure he will be sorely missed by many people, not only in Britain but elsewhere.
I first met Steve in 2004 on a train heading up to Wolves. I had missed my train earlier train and happened to sit a few rows away facing him. he made a comment about running late. From that day on he had been one of my best friends. Whenever I few in from LA we would always get a nice curry dinner. When he first visited me in California he brought my son and I several retro USA kits as well as a others. As most know he was never at a loss for words when it came to football and the Arsenal. His memory was unbelievable. I always enjoyed traveling with him. When my kids both moved to London and needed help with their UK citizenship as well as other legal issues, Steven stepped up and helped them. He was the one who christened me L.A. Gooner. This one has hit me hard. as someone said before me, big man with a big heart.
This one hits me hard.
Hi my name is Richard Powell. Steven was my cousin. I have been astounded by the wonderful and fantastic comments on this thread. Up to the age of about 10 I spent most summers with Steve during school holidays, either at his parents’ in East Finchley or here in Wales. Steve had an awful accident one summer in 1966 when he fell over here in Wales and sustained a bad hip fracture that was not repaired properly, which I think caused him great mobility problems in later life. Sadly I did not see him again until the early 2000’s when I bumped into him at Heathrow. He was on a flight to Vienna en route to see his beloved Arsenal in a European Cup game, I think in Ukraine? The next time we met was at his fathers funeral and then his mums. His parents lived near me so I would get regular reports on Steve’s situation. I brought his mum to London just before she passed away and I remember John Marsh and his girlfriend being there at the flat. Too late now but I do feel some guilt that I never made more of an effort to stay in touch with Steve. R.I.P
I first met Steve when we were getting our school uniforms and then we ended up in the same class!
A few highlights of our youth together, Getting busted on a school trip to the Chiltern Hills for smoking and drinking on the coach. Steve spending ages teaching me how to use his new fangled cigarette making machine.
Steve leaving home and turning up at mine, only for his dad to turn up later telling my mum we were harbouring a minor! (He was a cop)
He once shot a teacher entering the classroom with his Sekiden Gun’s (he had two) he thought it was one of our classmates!
Going to WHL and Wembley together in 71.
Steve Umpiring a school cricket match and sending one of the players off.
Gitanes and Gauloises, closely followed by Camel and the odd beer or two, oh and he fell out of bed once and broke his leg!!
He used to like pushing back on authority, I can’t think why!!
Rest in peace Steve
Just read this sad, sad news that mine, the community and football’s great friend died.
Dozens of strong memories spring to heart. Steven and the best of us journalists – Andrew Jennings – sharing a smoke and beer at the back of a crowded hall in Iceland. Steven waiting patiently in the cold for me in front of the Arsenal with tickets. Steven, surrounded by mates, beers in hand, analyzing the 2006 Champions League final. Having coffee with him after Brexit. I had a story to file and he calmly but with absolute passion arguing his views. Sharing the train and an enormous Turkish breakfast when we went to see Wimbledon FC play. A Chinese dinner in Toronto surrounded by corrupt cops and Triad guys. Hooking me up with his glorious chum in Cuba – and, on Steven’s precise instructions, carrying down nails and hardware supplies for him. Sharing his father’s street police wisdom on long bus rides to matches. Copy editing my second book and his passion for getting things right.
With his gentle wisdom, kind heart and stunning insight – he made all of us better people.
Steven was a true man of the world, an utter gentleman and a great soul.
Rest well, my dear friend.