Archive of News and Views posts


Getting on Board

It’s a year since Tracey Crouch MP’s report into Football Governance was published. What has happened to the report in that time? AISA was at a meeting in Parliament to…

Arsenal’s history: 27 December – 2 January

27 December 1915: Football faces up to endemic match-fixing for the first time 27 December 2010: Arsenal hammer Chelsea 28 December 1997: Tottenham against Arsenal 28 December 2001: Arsenal 2…


The Wenger statue is now in place, as we predicted here some while ago. In fact, the whole idea of statues was an AISA initiative. The story was also published…

The Arsenal clock and the Clock End

From Tony Attwood whose history page is 10 September 1930: The Daily Mirror published its picture of the clock with a 45 minute face was installed at the Laundry…
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An audience with Mark Pougatch

Just before the season re-started, sports journalist Mark Pougatch spent an evening chatting to AISA members and answering their questions. To see it all or the highlights, visit our new…

Did you go to Wembley for the Euro 2020 final?

If so, there is an independent review into the events surrounding it. A survey has been launched that all ticket holders have been invited to complete. It is being conducted…