12 June: Pat Jennings birthday

Pat Jennings played for Tottenham for 13 years, playing 591 competitions, winning the FA Cup, two league cups and a UEFA Cup.  He famously scored in the 1967 Charity Sheild kicking the ball from his own area into the Manchester United area.  It bounced over Stepney, the Man U keeper and into the net. Pat looked embarrassed.

Then in August 1977, he came to Arsenal.   The reason was, I believe, Tottenham thought it was time for a new younger man in goal – Pat was 32  at the time, and this was the era before older keepers were the norm.   And maybe Arsenal thought at first he was going to be a backup – but true to style he came into the first team and played every league match, FA Cup and League cup match that season – 55 in total.

He also played in the three successive FA Cup finals, (1978, 1979, and 1980) and so is I think the only man who has won the FA Cup with ourselves and Tottenham.

He retired in 1985 having become the first player ever in the English game to play over 1000 senior matches.   His last match was away to West Ham on December 5 1981.  He was replaced at Arsenal by George Wood.

Pat then returned to Tottenham H playing for their reserves in preparation for  Northern Ireland’s 1986 World Cup campaign and played his last international aged 41 – apparently the World Cup’s oldest ever participant.

He then became a goalkeeping coach at Tottenham and continued his Tottenham, rather than Arsenal connection, as a corporate host in the Pat Jennings Lounge at White Hart Lane.  Although as a result of this he has not been able to see Tottenham win the league he may well however have at least seen Arsenal win the League while there.